Tuesday 1 March 2016

Who deserves a pot of flowers?

A few weeks ago we decided to think about someone who we thought deserved a pot of flowers.  We created some flower art and wrote a note to them telling them why we thought they deserved a pot of flowers. (They'll be coming home soon.)
 Mrs Harpur's daughters Lily and Neve read through all the notes and decided on four they thought were pretty special.  These were the four winners below, they were able to give their special people a real pot of flowers.  Well done Vinny, Joel, Mason and Hadlee.

Who did you write the note for?  Why did you think they deserved a pot of flowers?

I wrote my note to Lee Burke because she put flowers around the school, I think that it's hard work and it's nice :). By Joel

I wrote my note to my Great Grandma because she is getting really old now and she's taking care of me and my brother lots so I thought she really deserved a pot of flowers.  By the way she thought it was really nice that I got them for her and she had a really big smile on her face.  By Mason.

I wrote my letter to my Nana because she's nice and caring and she feeds me well!  She thought the flowers were beautiful and she said, 'thank you! and wow!'  By Hadlee

I wrote my letter to my sister Sammy because she is kind, caring and she is very smart.  She helps me a lot even though she's only 5.  She said thank you for the flowers when I gave them to her.  By Vinny.


  1. What a great idea. Well done to all the kids.

  2. Great grandma loved her pot of flowers at 90 years old things like that really matter, so thankyou for helping to brighten her day 😍 Bridget (masons mum)
