We also enjoyed investigating some science ideas. We made colour spinners and tried to make them spin so fast that our eyes were not able to keep up with all the separate colours. The wheels then looked a whitish colour as the colours looked like they were mixing up together. The opposite happens when a rain bow is made: the white light is split up and we see all the separate colours.
We also had to make a ramp that made a marble travel for 1 metre. In this investigation we learnt to modify our ideas in order to find a solution.
Other activities included musical straws where we made a 'double-reed' mouth piece similar to an oboe and whirly-gig spinners and investigating what happens when we added paperclips or cut the wings shorter. Thanks to myth busters we also learnt you can fold a piece of paper more that 7 times (with difficulty). Here are some photos showing science in action.